CAD world inc.

Sunday 7 December 2014

How to make a 3D revolver in autoCAD 2010

Here are some simple steps to make a 3D revolver.

1) Starting from the handle, draw a 2d figure for the base of the handle.
2) Change the ucs in such a way that the base of the handle comes perpendicullar to the xy-plane.
3) Now you have to choose a suitable lofting path to make the handle.
4) Again change the ucs so that it comes parallel to the base of the handle.

5) use the loft command select the lofting order and then select the path.
6) Repeat the same steps to draw the complete handle of the revolver. change the color as per your choice.
7) now draw the main body of the revolver.It is simple as it's just a rectangle.
Note: Be careful  with the dimensions. carefully plan before you draw something. Without planning you are just going to waste your time. 

8) Use the Extrude and subtract commands to cut out the slots for cylinder and trigger

9) Now choose a surface to place the cylinder. Obviously behind the "imaginary" cylinder.
10) On the selected face draw a circle and extrude it equal to the length of the cylinder.
11) For the slots select the face of the cylinder and draw a circle on it (suitable dimensions). Extrude it along the length of the cylinder. then use the 3D array command to get six pellets. Subtract the pallets from the cylinder an you'll get six slots as shown.

12) Repeat the same steps to make external slots on the cylinder.

13) cover the front side of the cylinder and draw the barrel.

14) Use two concentric cylinders for inner and outer surfaces of the barrel. Subtract the inner cylinder from the outer one.

15) Now i am going for the trigger. I used a different technique for it. Make a "help-surface" and "put" the trigger on it. extrude it according to its thickness.

16) Delete the help-surface when done. Use the same technique for the striker.
17) use the "smooth" command to smoothen the edges and cuts.
18) Revolver is ready, Enjoy. 

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