CAD world inc.

Wednesday 10 December 2014

how to make a propeller in autocad 2010

Today i am going to show you guys how to make a 3D propeller in autocad.

1) make two circles one for inner and other for outer curve of the blade.
2) using polyline command draw one of the blades. you can use trim command, arc or a polyline, any of these you like.

3) draw the outer boundary of the blade. Its up to you what type of blade you like to draw.

4) you will get a shape somehow like this.

5) now make two circles , one for the rotor and one a little bigger than the blade in radius.

6) now extrude both the circle to a suitable height. You'll get two cylinders, draw a helix (red color) around the outer surface of the bigger cylinder.

7) Now draw a line starting from the edge of the inner cylinder and going beyond the surface of the outer cylinder its length should be twice the radius of the blade.

8) use the sweep command and draw a sweep for the line along the helix.

9) use the "intersect" command to get a common part of the sweeped line and the blade. 
10) The blade is ready. now use array command and make an array of three blades around the center.

11) For the tip make a sphere using "sphere" command.
12) give it a color according to your choice. 

your propeller is ready enjoy :)

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